Theatre Arts Classes

Acting, Drama & Singing

Our Theatre classes provide a safe and nurturing environment, enabling participants to learn and explore new skills in Acting, Dancing and Singing.

0 Classes
Per Week
Age Groups

There is No Audition To Qualify For Our Classes

Our classes are Open To Everyone!

Classes for children aged 4 to 7 years.

Classes for children aged 8 to 12 years.

Classes for young people aged 12+ years.

About Our Classes

Creative Spark was created to give every participant the opportunity to experience the world of the dramatic arts.

Our aim is to connect and empower everyone within our community through the arts.  Spreading the skills that theatre arts can give you is something we are very passionate about.  We aim to include everyone so there is no audition for our classes or productions – just turn up full of energy and BE YOURSELF!

Term 1
August through to Christmas
Term 2
January through to March/Easter
Term 3
April through to June

Classes are closed during school holiday periods, as per East Dunbartonshire Council School Holiday calendar.

Our Fees

When you first join us your first class is FREE, giving you an opportunity to trial our classes and see if it is right for you.

In all other cases our class fees are £7 per hour, with most classes lasting one hour per week.

All fees are required in advance, and are paid at the start of each term.  Paying in advance allows us to confirm and pay our hall letting fees!

We believe that access to quality theatre arts should be affordable so there is no joining fee, no extra cost for costumes and no extra cost to participate in our productions.

We provide you with your first Creative Spark T-Shirt, all scripts, all songbooks, all production costs, all extra rehearsals and all costumes for our shows.

Classes & Locations

Day Class Time Location Book Class
Monday Little Sparks 4pm - 5pm Park Centre, Kirkintilloch
Big Sparks 5:15pm - 6:15pm Park Centre, Kirkintilloch
Tuesday Youth Company 6pm - 8pm North Cadder Church Hall, Bishopbriggs
Wednesday Combined Age Group 4:30pm - 5:30pm The Fort Theatre, Bishopbriggs
Thursday Little Sparks 6:15pm - 7:15pm Auchinloch Community Centre, Auchinloch
Big Sparks 7:30pm - 8:30pm Auchinloch Community Centre, Auchinloch
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